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Assynt Sea Bells Charm created from your Bear Oracle Reading

Updated: Feb 4, 2022

As some of you who have visited my stall at the Made In Assynt market will already know, I create what I call Assynt Sea Bells charms from things I find on the local beaches and landscape. I love making them and over the summer I have done a few commissions for local people.

The charms have Oracle discs from the Bear Oracle set I create, and a local friend who had a reading with me asked if I could make her one with the Oracles she pulled during that reading, and here it is......

The reading is similar to a guided meditation and I ask the person to speak what they see and experience in the journey to me as it unfolds. I used these words as inspiration , as well as the Bear Oracles themselves.

So an idea was born ( with thanks to my creative friend)......A package of Bear Oracle Reading and Assynt Sea Bells together. Please get in touch if you would like to book , or for more information.

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